Angie Le Mar – In my shoes

Yet another outstanding performance from the talented Queen of Comedy.
Angie La Mar wears many hats, TV Presenter, Radio Personality, Actress, Writer and Renowned Stand Up Comedian.
In My Shoes is a one woman comedy act written and performed by Angie La Mar and directed by Femi Elufowoju. It is made up of collection of mini sketches of six interwoven characters. Covering areas that are thought provoking, sensitive, taboo and other issues, all hidden within the lines of humour.
The opening act starts with an over bearing Soul Singing Diva called Falushila Falashilay who has a thing about shoes and needs new shoes in order to perform at her show that evening.
The second character Rebecca, is a wannabe teenage model. It touches on thought provoking and sensitive taboo issues of sexual and domestic abuse. (Rebecca Star) the name of the character longs to fulfil her dream of becoming a top model. She is in turmoil as she is torn between making a moral decision as to whether or not she should accept money left to her by her abuser and father.
Then there is the city executive Valerie, who found refuge in “the bottle” once she was behind the comforts of her home walls, desperate and deprived of sex.
Dupre an ex offender who is haunted by the ghost of his best friend. Not forgetting Samantha, Rebecca’s Job Centre advisor by day and an amateur dramatic actress by night (fantasising of becoming Lady Macbeth) who performs in a community centre hall.
Charmaine Lawrence has an appearance on a chat show taking advantage with a sneaky preview of her latest release.
Finally the outstanding Falushila returns with her two backing singers in all her glory for her appearance on the TV show. Audience participation and interaction played an overall part in this sketch. Falushila tantalisingly teases her audience with light hearted humour where she criticises the shoes of ladies in the front row. The act rises to its peak and ends with a standing ovation.
A show not to be missed. The next performance is to be delivered at Fairfield Halls Croydon 24 – 26 May 2012.
020 8688 9291
Article by guest writer Cheryl Armatrading