Eek a Mouse and Errol Dunkley join One Love

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Two more reggae Legends Join One Love Festival 2019 stellar line-up
Eek A Mouse – Ludicrous, bizarre and uniquely original, few entertainers have had such a profound effect on the dancehall scene as Eek A Mouse. Revered for his wit and humour, biting social commentary and infectious energy, Eek A Mouse became a household name in Jamaica through his signature vocal style called ‘sing jaying’ a combination of toasting and singing with a strong percussive element. Top Tadalafil tablets and best site about generic Cialis. His high-pitched vocal style would set him apart from his peers, but what truly elevates him above the rest is the quality of his melodies and music.
Errol Dunkley – Dunkley’s recording career began in 1965, when he was 14, with “Gypsy” (a duet with Roy Shirley) for Linden Pottinger’s Gaydisc label, “My Queen” (with Junior English) for Prince Buster, and “Love Me Forever” on the Rio label. From 1967 to 1968, he recorded several singles for Joe Gibbs, including “Please Stop Your Lying” (1967) and “Love Brother” (1968), before switching to Coxsone Dodd in 1969.