EXIT Adventure: EXIT Festival, Serbia, 9 – 12 July 2015

That time of the year has arrived again. A four day festival extravaganza being held in the beautiful setting of Serbia. The exact location is the Petrovarad Fortress on the bank of the Danube. This years line up looks fantastic…
Dubioza Kolektiv / Gramatik / Noisia / Sigma / Wilkinson / Black Sun Empire / Bondax / Brookes Brothers / Calyx & Teebee/ Doorly / FKJ Live / Flight Facilities / James Zabiela / Fred V & Grafix / GotSome / Kim Ann Foxman / Maduk / Nick Monaco / Odesza / PillowTalk / Soul Clap / Star Slinger / TCTS
Aleks Milun / Audiostorm / Chevalier / DarRe / Društvo Skrivenih Talenata / Luka Tarle / Maraku / Millok b2b Soft85 / Mr. Jools / Nagual / P.S. /Proximus & Grum / Punkreas / Raven TK / Rayo / Ryan Lubarda / Who See
…to name but a few!