One Love Festival – Hop Meets Hemp 2019 theme

One Love Festival 2019 – is back at The Hop Farm in Kent over weekend 30th August 1st September 2019
This years Festival theme is Hop meets Hemp – a story of Prohibition
We are living in a Hemp renaissance – with Hemp now being removed from the Controlled Substances Act in America a Hemp revolution is steadily happening all over the World. Governments are embracing the commercial value and healing benefits of Hemp CDB derived products – Hemp is no longer a Niche market and is returning as a cash crop with little water needed to grow fast with great potential to freeing up scarce water supplies used in agriculture
One of the most exciting applications of hemp lies in the extracted cannabinoids or CBD oil with evidence that the compound can treat epilepsy as well as a range of other problems including anxiety
To celebrate our Festival theme One Love Festival has released our own branded One Love CBD Oil and CBD Coffee below